About Me

RSVP provides quality, customized volunteer placement, connecting talented people to organizations that serve community needs. Assisting people 55+ in overcoming barriers to engaging in community service; Providing training and support to the community on how to effectively engage adults 55+; Serving as a liason between community needs and an available talent pool; Advocating for vital aging; Redefining society's view of aging.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where Does Your Stormwater Go?

Do you live in the Lake Phalen Subwatershed?

Follow the directions below to find out if your stormwater runoff goes into Lake Phalen or some other Lake.

Finding your Subwatershed:
1. Go to www.rwmwd.org.
2. Hover over Education Program and click on "Find your Watershed." (Look for an update to this online map soon!)
3. If you cannot pinpoint where you live from this map, call 651-792-7971 or email http://www.blogger.com/carrie.mack@rwmwd.orgwith your address and I'd be happy to help.

Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District's pilot project in neighborhoods around Lake Phalen may lead the way for similar projects in YOUR neighborhood!

Neighborhood Subwatershed Project
Lake Phalen watershed has been the focus of a pilot project this year. The project is to contact people who have taken action to protect the Lake, and to find others with ideas about actions to protect the Lake, ideas to improve the neighborhood
environments, and desires to enjoy the Lake and learn more about it. As District staff contacted these people, gatherings were created such as the Lakes Groups Networking Picnic on August 9 at the Lake Phalen Picnic Pavilion.
Three District staff and 26 people from neighborhoods around the Lake brought a food dish to share, got acquainted, and shared their current stewardship activities and ideas for future activities. At a follow-up series of Visioning and Action
Planning Retreats September 13 and 22 these and new ideas will be further discussed, action plans made and action teams formed. A shared communication system will also be devised to promote continued conversation and collaboration around
Lake Phalen as stewardship actions take place.

To participate in the Lake Phalen Subwatershed Neighborhood Action Program pilot project contact Louise Watson at http://www.blogger.com/louise@rwmwd.orgor call 651-792-7956.

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