About Me

RSVP provides quality, customized volunteer placement, connecting talented people to organizations that serve community needs. Assisting people 55+ in overcoming barriers to engaging in community service; Providing training and support to the community on how to effectively engage adults 55+; Serving as a liason between community needs and an available talent pool; Advocating for vital aging; Redefining society's view of aging.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Teach Your Art Form to Older Adults

Workshop for Teaching Artists, October 3
How To Teach Older Adults

The creative burst that older adults experience relates to their needs for legacy leaving, meaning, purpose, and belonging. This workshop is designed to help the teaching artist learn what works when teaching older adults - and why.

Presenters will share tips and techniques on how to work with older students who may have spent the majority of their lives believing they were not creative. They will also demonstrate activities and approaches that can transform individual stories and experiences into artistic expression.

Sponsored by: Springboard for the Arts
Location: Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Ave. So., Mpls
Time: 6:30-9:00 p.m.

Pat Samples, MnCAAN Coordinator, who teaches older adults using multiple art forms including writing and theatre and who has coordinated 27 residencies with a variety of visual, performing, and literary artists in senior housing in the past two years

Anne Krocak, visual artist, who has a conducted numerous tile-making and watercolor residencies in senior housing and served as a mentor for other teaching artists

Cost: $45; $30 with discount code

If you've been wanting to to teach your art form in senior housing, senior centers, or other places that serve older adults, this fun, interactive workshop will introduce you to key information and skills and boost your confidence. Bring your questions and ideas to share too.

MnCAAN: Minnesota Creative Arts and Aging Network

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