About Me

RSVP provides quality, customized volunteer placement, connecting talented people to organizations that serve community needs. Assisting people 55+ in overcoming barriers to engaging in community service; Providing training and support to the community on how to effectively engage adults 55+; Serving as a liason between community needs and an available talent pool; Advocating for vital aging; Redefining society's view of aging.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Teach Your Art Form to Older Adults

Workshop for Teaching Artists, October 3
How To Teach Older Adults

The creative burst that older adults experience relates to their needs for legacy leaving, meaning, purpose, and belonging. This workshop is designed to help the teaching artist learn what works when teaching older adults - and why.

Presenters will share tips and techniques on how to work with older students who may have spent the majority of their lives believing they were not creative. They will also demonstrate activities and approaches that can transform individual stories and experiences into artistic expression.

Sponsored by: Springboard for the Arts
Location: Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Ave. So., Mpls
Time: 6:30-9:00 p.m.

Pat Samples, MnCAAN Coordinator, who teaches older adults using multiple art forms including writing and theatre and who has coordinated 27 residencies with a variety of visual, performing, and literary artists in senior housing in the past two years

Anne Krocak, visual artist, who has a conducted numerous tile-making and watercolor residencies in senior housing and served as a mentor for other teaching artists

Cost: $45; $30 with discount code

If you've been wanting to to teach your art form in senior housing, senior centers, or other places that serve older adults, this fun, interactive workshop will introduce you to key information and skills and boost your confidence. Bring your questions and ideas to share too.

MnCAAN: Minnesota Creative Arts and Aging Network

Monday, September 26, 2011

RSVP Special Events & Opportunities Bulletin

October 2011

Volunteer Opportunities:

To learn about these or other opportunities, call 952-945-4162 or email jkoschak@voamn.org

Feed Your Interest in Other Cultures
Interact with people from many cultures while helping them shop for culturally appropriate foods by volunteering at Neighborhood House’s food shelf.
When: Volunteer three hours, 9-12 or 1-4, Monday through Thursday.
Where: Neighborhood House Food Shelf, 179 Robie Street East, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107

Memorial Blood Center Blood Drive Canteen Host
Play an important role in the blood donation process helping to ensure the safety and comfort of blood donors once they have made their donations. Your friendly assistance will be welcomed as you visit with donors, serve snacks and beverages, watch for adverse reactions, and thank donors for their life-saving contributions. Memorial Blood Center holds numerous blood drives at churches and corporations each month. Pick and choose the locations and dates that best fit your schedule.

Neighborhood Family Partner
Are you interested in welcoming a new family to your community? Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers to partner with new Habitat homeowners during their first year of homeownership. Volunteers will share knowledge of local resources and homeownership during four home visits over the course of a year. A great way to build a relationship with a Habitat for Humanity homeowner!

Franconia Bluffs Scientific and Natural Area Planting Event
Saturday, October 1st, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
29836 St. Croix Trail
Schafer, Minnesota
Have a love of oak forests and songbirds? Then join the Great River Greening for this wonderful fall event planting oak seedlings to expand the bluff land forests and woodlands at Franconia Bluffs Scientific and Natural Area. These forests are prime examples of those that were along the St. Croix Valley 200 years ago and provide crucial nesting and migratory habitat for a suite of neotropical songbirds. After the planting, lunch will be provided at the unique Franconia Sculpture Park.

Seed Collection at the Sand Coulee/Rare Prairie
Saturday, October 8th, 9 a.m. – noon
Sand Coulee Scientific and Natural Area
Hastings, Minnesota
Enjoy a hands-on-seed identification and collection training while enjoying a rare example of sand-gravel prairie. Volunteers will be working in the newest addition to Sand Coulee Scientific and Natural Area. Seed will be used for further habitat restoration. Previous seed collection experience not required—all abilities and groups are welcome. This activity is very detail oriented. Capacity is limited.

Divorcing Divas
Saturday, October 15th, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Marriott West
9960 Wayzata Boulevard
St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426

Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities including registration, booth set-up, distributing prizes, selling raffle tickets, directing attendees, helping with evaluations and surveys. Volunteers will be registered for the event, receive a free lunch and will be able to attend a dance presentation and lessons by Arthur Murray Dance Studio at the end of the day.

This is a day of encouragement, inspiration and empowerment for individuals who are considering divorce, getting divorced or are divorced. A percentage of the proceeds from this event will go to the Tubman Group, a non-profit with shelters, education, therapy and many other resources for families involved in domestic violence situations.

Help Restore Riverside Park
Saturday, October 15th, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Riverside Park, Mississippi River Gorge
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Join the Mississippi River Gorge Stewards at Riverside Park to help improve local wildlife habitat and watershed health by removing invasive species (such as buckthorn) and possibly assisting with watering and other restoration tasks. Work alongside ecologist Carolyn Carr, who developed the park’s restoration plan, and FMR River Stewardship Coordinator, Karen Solas.

Roseville Meals on Wheels Steak Fry Benefit
Sunday, October 16th, 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Roseville Anderson Nelson VFW Post 7555
1145 Woodhill Drive
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
Are you looking to add some goodwill to your weekend? Roseville Meals on Wheels is hosting a steak fry benefit to raise money to support the delivery of meals to seniors in Roseville and surrounding areas --and is in need of volunteers to be meal servers, bus dishes, wash dishes, and staff the coffee and dessert stations.

River Gorge Buckthorn Bust
Saturday, October 22nd, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Near 44th and West River Parkway
Mississippi River Gorge
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Join the Mississippi River Gorge Stewards volunteers to help remove buckthorn—the invasive species that degrades our local native plant communities and wildlife habitat—in the maple basswood forest in the Longfellow neighborhood of south Minneapolis. Volunteers will work closely with FMR staff to either pull or remove buckthorn and/or help to haul buckthorn to its pick-up spot. Tools and gloves will be provided. Be prepared to work on steep slopes and uneven terrain.

Three River District “Baker Boo”
Saturday, October 22th, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Baker Park Campground
2309 Baker Park Road
Maple Plain, Minnesota
Be a kid again. Help kids carve pumpkins, create scarecrows, play games and engage in other Halloween fun.

Second Annual Scott-Carver Project Community Connect
Help end homelessness in Scott and Carver Counties through Project Community Connect (PCC). PCC is a one-day, “one-stop-shop” event aimed at providing information and resources to individuals and families who are, or are at risk of becoming, homeless. Employment services, housing information, legal assistance, basic medical and dental care, haircuts, and more will be available at the event. Over 100 volunteers will be needed to assist with the event, doing everything from greeting attendees, escorting attendees around the event, serving lunch, assisting with set up and tear down, and more. Volunteers are asked to attend an orientation prior to the event at any of the following:

Friday, October 28th Minnesota School of Business Campus
Shakopee, Minnesota

Tuesday, October 4th from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Safe Haven
13780 McKenna Rd NW
Shakopee, MN 55379

Wednesday, October 5th from 12 noon – 1:30 p.m.
Scott County Government Center-- Board Room
200 West 4th Avenue
Shakopee, MN 55379

Saturday, October 8th from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. The Rec Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Chanhassen, MN 55317

Special Pals in Fun Friendships
Friday, November 18th, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
(and continuing throughout the school year)
Somerset Heights Elementary
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55118
Become an intergenerational friend to a second grader through SPIFF, a program matching older adults in the community to second graders for friendship, fun and mentoring. At the first event, held in November, students will meet adults to participate in activities that will nurture their new friendships. After they greet each other, the pals will have a sing-a-long, interview each other, complete a simple art project, play games, read together, and enjoy a snack. Pals are invited to come to the school once a month for moonlight bowling in the gym, fun projects in art or technology classes, and student presentations in the classrooms. Throughout the school year, pals write letters and send holiday greetings.

To learn about these or other opportunities, call 952-945-4162 or email jkoschak@voamn.org

Community connections (Non-volunteer Events)

Great Clips IMAX Senior Day
Second Tuesday of each month (10:00 a.m.)
Great Clips IMAX Theatre, MN Zoo
12000 Zoo Blvd
Apple Valley, Minnesota
Movie at 10 a.m. but come any time after 9am for coffee, treats, and door prize drawings. Senior admission is $6 (some shows are more), with an opportunity to see a second film the same day for the same price.

Vital Aging Network “Your Medicare: Making the Best Decisions”

Tuesday, October 11th, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Roseville Lutheran Church
1215 Roselawn Avenue
Roseville, Minnesota 551

Wednesday, October 12th, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Bloomington Civic Plaza
1800 W. Old Shakopee Road
Bloomington, Minnesota 55431

Open enrollment for Medicare benefits is earlier than usual this year: October 15 through December 7, 2011. VAN and Mature Voices Minnesota are partnering to provide an opportunity for you to learn about changes in Medicare and hear about options and costs from insurance providers. This forum will help you make informed choices. Pre-registration encouraged but not required.

Nordeast Big River Brew Fest
Saturday, October 15th, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Historic Grain Belt Bottling House
79 13th Avenue NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota
East Side Neighborhood Services and supporters: Surdyks, River Liquor and Sentryz are hosting the First Annual Nordeast Big River Brew Fest highlighting the beer history of the community with over 60 beers to be tasted, great food and great neighbors. All proceeds raised at the event will go toward programs benefiting low-income children, youth, families and seniors in the community.

Multi-Cultural Health Fair
October 19th, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
VOA Park Elder Center
1505 Park Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Seniors of all ethnicities are invited to attend the Park Elder Center multi-cultural senior health and wellness fair. The event includes blood pressure checks, diabetes screenings and other health education materials and resources.

Lake Phalen Subwatershed Neighborhood Action Program
Do you live in the Lake Phalen Subwatershed? Check to find out if your storm water runoff goes into Lake Phalen or some other lake and participate in the Lake Phalen Subwatershed Neighborhood Action Program. To find your subwatershed go to
http://www.rwmwd.org/, hover over Education Program and click on “Find Your Watershed”. If you cannot pinpoint where you live from the map, call 651-792-7971 or email http://www.blogger.com/carrie.mack@rwmwd.org with your address.

Habitat for Humanity Housing Matters Book Club
When: First Thursday evening (7:00 p.m.) of every month for eight months, starting October 6, 2011
Where: Libraries, coffee shops, and independent bookstores around the Twin Cities
Join the Habitat for Humanity Housing Matters Book Club series for great company and great reading on topics related to housing, poverty, social change and the meaning of home. Pre-registration is required by September 30th. Space is limited.

To learn about these or other opportunities, call 952-945-4162 or email jkoschak@voamn.org

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

RSVP Partner Helps Prevent Falls

Falls Prevention Awareness Day Is September 23rd

Did you know that every 35 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall? In 2008, about 2.1 million seniors were treated in the emergency room for falls and more than 550,000 of these patients were subsequently hospitalized. The total cost of all fall injuries for older Americans was $19 billion in 2000. By 2020, the annual direct and indirect cost of fall injuries is expected to reach $54.9 billion.

These statistics are staggering, but there are ways we can help prevent older adults from falling in their homes. For example, the Center for Disease Control lists home modifications, like installing grab bars and handrails, as one of the top four recommendations for reducing the risk of falls.

September 23rd is Falls Prevention Awareness Day, and Rebuilding Together is taking this opportunity to share information with the community about falls prevention and what we can do to help older adults live safely and independently in their homes.

Through our Safe at Home Program, we make minor home safety and accessibility modifications, such as installing grab bars and handrails, for low-income homeowners who are older adults (+55) or individuals living with a disability.

These modifications are provided at no cost to the homeowner and can prevent falls, enabling older adults and individuals living with a disability to continue to live safely in their homes for years to come.

If you or someone you know might benefit from our Safe at Home program, please contact us at SafeAtHome@RebuildingTogether-TwinCities.org or 651-776-4273.

To volunteer for this program, please contact RSVP at 952-945-4162 or jkoschak@voamn.org

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Former RSVP Member Still Spreading Cheer

From the Star Tribune:

Who needs blogs when you have 'Morning Memo'?
Article by: GAIL ROSENBLUM, Star Tribune
Alice Thompson wants you to wake up to something "that's not depressing." So today's column is about ...

Alice Thompson.

Every Monday and Thursday since 2002, first on a PC called the I-Opener, and now on a seven-year-old Dell, Thompson has pounded out her lively missives to delighted readers from coast to coast.

"I didn't know I was talented, if you call it that," said Thompson, author of the "Morning Memo," which she calls MM. "I just knew there were things I wanted to say and I said them."

Thompson, who turned 92 on Sept. 6, will be saying them in her inimitable style on Sept. 15, when she pushes "send" on her 1,000th Morning Memo. This is what Thompson plans to write to mark the milestone:

"This is my 1,000th Morning Memo."

Thompson laughs. "I used to say that 1,000 would be the end of it. But I'm going to keep on."

Why not? Her fan base is growing. From 25 family members and friends, she now e-mails MM to more than 1,000 readers -- male, female, young, not-so-young. Take that, bloggers.

Add another 700 or so who read her in the Waubay, S.D., Clipper, under the heading, "Morning Memos by Alice Thompson." They're getting the edited version, though. "They sometimes take out my dirty jokes," said Thompson, sitting in the living room of her downtown Minneapolis condo, its walls featuring watercolors and framed embroidery.

MM began after Thompson had a hip replacement and the former world traveler (Denmark, Mexico, Paris) asked herself, "What the heck am I going to do now? I decided to do something that didn't require walking."

Something, too, "that would bring a little cheer to others," Thompson said.

MM started out "pretty corny," with tidbits about her daily doings: doctors' appointments, cleaning, shopping. Now it's filled with world news, politics, jokes, book and movie recommendations (see "Midnight in Paris"), weather reports, recipes and gentle mandates: "Go ye out to the farmer's market or grocery store, buy an ear of the wonderful Minnesota sweet corn."

She talks about her wheelchair, Jazzy, as though it were a treasured pet, and of her grandson's first steps. She quotes Gandhi and the Onion, shares contact information for a man who repairs RVs, and updates readers on the East Coast floods (via a daughter in Connecticut). She encourages readers to contribute, which they do.

"I play to my public quite a bit," Thompson said. That public loves her poetry, including this one:

Let that tree stand, proud/ Nurturing to struggling earth.

Let it not age and wither and die before its time.

Let it grow lovelier/With passing seasons,

Dropping tiny leaf messages to passersby:

"See this beautiful universe."

"Order is heaven's first law."

"There is a time for everything."

Let that tree stand, brave/ Ignoring lightning, wind and blight,

With each turbulence growing stronger,

Wisely using its power

Fitting sky to earth and earth to sky.

Let that tree stand,

A symbol generations can build their thoughts on,

Mute proof of Nature's total power over all.

Thompson was born in Waubay, the youngest of six children and the only girl. She attended the University of Minnesota, then moved to New York where she "dated almost every guy on Long Island. A sad batch," Thompson said. "Not a one with any get up and go."

She later moved to California and worked as a secretary and sang on military bases. Twice divorced, she has three grown children and that busy 1-year-old grandson.

Norma Gaffron, 79, of New Brighton, eagerly awaits Thompson's twice-weekly e-mails. She's never met Thompson, but feels she knows her. "She lets us into her life, as far as the ups and downs," Gaffron said. "She'll talk about politics, but she'll never rile you up. She is honest about her physical problems, but she never whines.

"I don't need Facebook," Gaffron said. "I have Alice."

You can, too. To join her mailing list, e-mail her at alicet@earthlink.net

Friday, September 2, 2011

Expanded Senior LinkAge Line

Star Tribune Article: Help line expands aid for seniors

Warren Wolfe, Star Tribune

The state's premier information and referral service for older people and their families, the Minnesota Senior LinkAge Line, is broadening its reach, officials announced Thursday at the State Fair.

The phone service, which already answers more than 119,000 calls a year for help with medical and social services, began using Internet instant messaging Thursday, with 45 experts from 10 state agencies to answer a wider range of questions, Lt. Gov. Yvonne Prettner Solon said at the State Fair.

"This makes us much more of a one-stop shop for older Minnesotans," said Jean Wood, executive director of the Minnesota Board on Aging, a state agency that administers the LinkAge Line.

On Thursday, Prettner Solon and Human Services Commissioner Lucinda Jesson launched the new service, projected to generate about 20,000 additional calls annually.

In a demonstration, a LinkAge Line counselor exchanged messages with Human Services specialist Sarah Mashwaran to find out immediately how a caller with hearing loss can get free access to a specialized telephone.

Other departments on tap are Health, Education, Corrections, Labor and Industry, Natural Resources, Commerce, Veterans Affairs, Public Safety and Employment and Economic Development. Prettner Solon said the service will be expanded later to include volunteer and job opportunities for seniors.

In addition, consumers can initiate Internet "chats" with LinkAge Line counselors during business hours by going to www.minnesotahelp.info and clicking on "MinnesotaHelp Now" at the top of the page. About five people a day use that little-publicized chat service, in place for two years.

The statewide service is operated by the six regional area agencies on aging, with 45 paid counselors and about 300 trained volunteers, and is funded with $2.9 million in state and federal money.

To contact the LinkAge Line, dial 1-800-333-2433 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays.

wolfe@startribune.com. • 612-673-7253

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where Does Your Stormwater Go?

Do you live in the Lake Phalen Subwatershed?

Follow the directions below to find out if your stormwater runoff goes into Lake Phalen or some other Lake.

Finding your Subwatershed:
1. Go to www.rwmwd.org.
2. Hover over Education Program and click on "Find your Watershed." (Look for an update to this online map soon!)
3. If you cannot pinpoint where you live from this map, call 651-792-7971 or email http://www.blogger.com/carrie.mack@rwmwd.orgwith your address and I'd be happy to help.

Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District's pilot project in neighborhoods around Lake Phalen may lead the way for similar projects in YOUR neighborhood!

Neighborhood Subwatershed Project
Lake Phalen watershed has been the focus of a pilot project this year. The project is to contact people who have taken action to protect the Lake, and to find others with ideas about actions to protect the Lake, ideas to improve the neighborhood
environments, and desires to enjoy the Lake and learn more about it. As District staff contacted these people, gatherings were created such as the Lakes Groups Networking Picnic on August 9 at the Lake Phalen Picnic Pavilion.
Three District staff and 26 people from neighborhoods around the Lake brought a food dish to share, got acquainted, and shared their current stewardship activities and ideas for future activities. At a follow-up series of Visioning and Action
Planning Retreats September 13 and 22 these and new ideas will be further discussed, action plans made and action teams formed. A shared communication system will also be devised to promote continued conversation and collaboration around
Lake Phalen as stewardship actions take place.

To participate in the Lake Phalen Subwatershed Neighborhood Action Program pilot project contact Louise Watson at http://www.blogger.com/louise@rwmwd.orgor call 651-792-7956.

Special Event: Volunteer for Roseville Meals on Wheels Steak Fry Benefit

What: Roseville Meals on Wheels is hosting a Steak Fry Benefit Sunday October 16th to raise money to support the delivery of meals to seniors in Roseville and surrounding areas.

How you can help: We need volunteers to be meal servers, bus dishes, wash dishes, and staff the coffee and dessert stations.

When: Sunday October 16th. Event lasts from 1-6pm but volunteer shifts will be shorter (2-4 hours) depending on the specific volunteer job.

Individuals and groups are welcome! Must be at least 18 years old.

Where: Roseville Anderson Nelson VFW Post 7555 located at 1145 Woodhill Drive, Roseville, MN 55113

Learn more or sign up:
janell.wampler@ isd623.org Janell Wampler 651-604-3524